Changes to Priory Ceremonial Officers

Publication date 10 January 2022

After six years as our Director of Ceremonies and a total of 16 years as a Priory Ceremonial Officer, James Alexander Bingham KStJ stepped down from office on Hogmanay 2021. He holds the Service Medal of the Order with three silver Bars.

Appointed an assistant director of ceremonies in 2005, Jim served in that office until 2016 when our past Prior, the late Major General Mark Strudwick CBE approved his appointment as Director of Ceremonies.

Jim Bingham

Promoted to Knight of Justice in 2018, Jim has played roles in the installation ceremonies of two Lord Priors of the Order - Dr Neil Conn in 2014 and Sir Malcolm Ross in 2016, both events being held in the Priory Church of the Order in Clerkenwell, London. He was also responsible for the ceremony which saw Major General Mark Strudwick installed by our Grand Prior HRH the Duke of Gloucester as Prior of Scotland in 2016.

On that memorable occasion, Jim more than astonished those present by speaking the extensive ceremonial from memory.

Paying tribute to Jim, our Prior, Her Grace the Duchess of Argyll DStJ, said: “It’s people such as Jim Bingham who keep tradition alive and add dignity and historical strength to our Order. He has been invaluable with his knowledge in devising and directing the ceremonial element of our annual Festivals – and I was especially grateful to him for his guidance at my first one in June of this year. Jim in his six years as Director of Ceremonies has not only managed the ceremonies, generously shared his experience and knowledge, but also physically updated our beautiful Chapter Room and has written a splendid book on the heraldry of knights and dames of the Order displayed there. He sets a very high marker for future Ceremonial Officers to follow”. 

Following Jim's retirement, the Priory Ceremonial Officers are as follows, effective 1 January 2022:


  • Director of Ceremonies: Ian Robertson CStJ
  • Asst Director of Ceremonies: Andrew I Smith OStJ
  • Asst Director of Ceremonies: David L McLean OStJ
  • Cross Bearer: Joe Mackie KStJ (till 17 June 2022), Colin C Russell OStJ (from 18 June 2022)
  • Banner Bearer: Stuart J Mathewson CStJ
  • Sword Bearer: Findlay Macrae CStJ (till 17 June 2022), Lynn Cleal OStJ (from 18 June 2022)
  • Insignia: Ewan Notman OStJ
  • Insignia Bearer: Lynn Cleal OStJ (till 17 June 2022), Harry J M McCorkell MStJ (from 18 June 2022)